for each broken heart.’
Akiane Kramarik
I am your conquest and defeat -
You love me or you hate?
You have your pie but cannot eat -
We reached a stale mate.
We are at war and yet in peace.
Accepting, I’m resisting.
How proudly I stand on knees,
Glad that you are existing!
Like armies of Napoleon
Saw Moscow on fire,
You conquered me and yet I won:
Down, but I can’t be higher.
Your power shrinks, when it expands.
I’m far, when so near.
An empty city in your hands -
A triumph mixed with fear.
Sophisticated, though uncouth,
My love is just a yoke.
By joking I tell the truth,
By telling truth I joke.
You don’t have me, yet you do
Possess my whole mind,
For I have lost my mind for you
But in my poems find it
When trying to uncover roots
Of our situation.
Or is it only a fruit
Of my imagination?
13 December 2010
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