Buried truth

Are you fitting puzzles in?
Looking, searching, setting free.
Are you here to live your life?
Crashing, burning all the lies.

Capturing the things with your own eyes,
Laughing over pointless waste of time,
Going to the edge of this big world,
Swirling around this mad mad world..

Reading all about this stupid World confusion,
Fighting this pathetic huge illusion.
Trying to find a change and then succeeding,
Making your own name as a defeater.

Saving lives with long term contributions,
Laying on the side, listening to cruise ships.
Music in your life defined as crutial,
Shaking down the blues with some old losers.

Getting up before the sun starts burning,
Going down the lanes, before they close them.
Looking for an answer, just keep searching
Somewhere in the letters ,those old stories...

They're left outside the house where they lived,
Buried in the ground, right where they sinned.
All the answers to the questions in your mind
All the written truth you came to find...
