
To J.R.

So, here you are again -
Another year’s passed
Away, but yes, you can
Keep moving just as fast.
So often - deep in shit,
So very strong the smell.
So many call you “git”.
So what? Send them to hell!
So many pretty girls,
So bloody little time.
So rear - real pearls…
Still looking for a rhyme :)
So many hats to don,
So many dice to cast.
So, let the show go on
And the excitement - last!

(* So rare - real pearls. A typing error, I presume, inhaling pretty girls' perfume, though sometimes it's so hard to tell their perfume from a certain smell.

Владимир Петрович Янченко   11.05.2015 12:04     Заявить о нарушении

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Азачем   11.05.2015 14:19   Заявить о нарушении
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