My Italy

So far, I never met,
  Someone, like you,
So deep in love with world.
So troubled,
  But dreaming calmly Soul.

You are the motif,
Gently whispered by the heavens.
You are the Sun of Milan,
In British sky in fall.

I'm dreaming
To know you better - my terra nova.
For now I'm staying lost
To the bliss of your eyes.

I'm agree to confess,
Again and again - for you,looking forward,
  Hoping every time,
That it's not the last time.

For all my life I haven't seen
  Such pure
And innocent charisma.
Such an unbothered, but raging
  Image of Peace.

You've got no
Evil imps of fetishism.
You hate flowers in bed,
You're saying "They're dead".

I adore, that you prefer them alive,
Grown on a field or a garden - by you.
I'm not sure, that someday,
I'll find someone like you.
