Awaken your Self 10-nov-2014

Awaken yourself... Awaken yourself...
You are not yours.. And I am not mine..
This body is not mine - I just live in it.. for some time..
I was gracefully given this body by merciful Heart of Creator...

How do I live it - something given to me for such a short time in this changing physical material world?
These eyes are not mine - through them Creator is perceiving this world.
What do I provide for them? What do I do to change my surrounding for more beauty?
These ears are not mine - through them Creator is listening to this world.
What do I provide for these ears? Do they hear profound speech of a wise man, beautiful music and inspiring sounds of Mother Nature?
Or do I allow them to hear misleading or insulting words of those who are still sleeping?
This body - how do I treat it? Do I give this body enough movement to be flexible, strong and healthy, thus glorifying the beauty of Creation? Thus glorifying Creator?
Do I give this body good nutrition and water to drink so that it receives everything needed and enjoys this life as long as possible?
Or do I poison it with unhealthy food and drinks, with chemical medicine, with poisoning actions, words, thoughts and emotions?
This Soul - do I allow her to develop? And to this mind? Do I learn new things? Do I develop those gifts and talents given by Creator?
Do I take care of what I've been so generously given?

In this Life I possess nothing. Nothing..
Nothing is of my belonging..
Still there are people who come to my life - for shorter or longer time - for we create more awareness and beauty..
Still I am given some material opportunities for living in this body and creating in this world..
Still there'll be a man some day with whom we will go for utmost act of creation - bringing new beautiful souls into this amazing beautiful world, and giving them every possibility to discover their unique experience and to create more and more beauty and peace..

This is not my possession..
Yet.. I am a keeper.. For some time.. In this material world.
For when I leave this body - I am no longer personal "I" even, no longer small part of the Wholesome, but this part will unite with the One.. with the Wholesome..
Until coming back to this material world again.. For once again remembering that it is Creator living in everyone...
It is Creator in everyone longing to manifest and to experience beauty of Creation..
And for once again making it possible for Life itself manifest through that new me in every profound way...

Awaken your Self...

(Kiev, 10-11-2014)


В субботу 22 февраля состоится мероприятие загородного литературного клуба в Подмосковье в отеле «Малаховский дворец». Запланированы семинары известных поэтов, гала-ужин с концертной программой.  Подробнее →