The next restart

You know this feeling - like you're high,
And all the problems are away?
You have just cried, but now you smile
In such a weird bitter way.

If you get that, I'll tell you more -
You're not alone, I know it too.
It happens when your open sore
Faces the salt, and you go through

The pain, the tears, the burning head,
Feeling of guilt, offense, despair.
Then sorrow chokes you almost dead.
Fresh air turns into heavy air.

But still you fight, with all the strength,
With hands squeezed into bloody fists.
And then you feel you nearly faint,
But you keep fighting, 'cause you miss

The feeling when you are in peace,
This feeling you are fighting for.
Then comes the moment of release.
You feel the calm of inner war.

You realize what it just was -
A sudden flash of your sick part.
And you start laughing just because
You're ready to the next restart.
