Good Night for a Friend

3rd November 2013

Good night for a friend

I sorry, my friend,
But this time for good night.
We shared together
the time of a life.

But something was coming
it was a change:
my time for another
for a love
from today.

As puppies together
we grew
we played
but now
we are adults,
Good night!
for today!

as a woman
has came -
my heart
and my time
for her
from today.

Good night!
But I hope
for a good night
and for us, -
for me
and for my woman,
for my pretty wife!

She will be my all
and a part
as of me
My joy and my body,
The hope
for me.
Good night,
my friend!
Be happy!
Nice dreams!
I hope for better
and for you
and for me!

Inna Tiggi
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
