
(интерпретация стихотворения
Вирджинии Мур в стиле хайку)

Душа безгрешна.
Вечен путь её впотьмах.
Укрыться негде. 

И тянет наземь
Песен не воспетых груз,
Печаль на сердце. 

Но солнце встало
Радугой зари влечёт
Не властно время. 


Psyche by Virginia Moore

The soul that has believed
And is deceived
Thinks nothing for a while,
All thoughts are vile.

And then because the sun
Is mute persuasion,
And hope in Spring and Fall
Most natural,
The soul grows calm and mild,
A little child,
Finding the pull of breath
Better than death…
The soul that had believed
And was deceived
Ends by believing more
Than ever before.
