Glass half full...

She must have fallen asleep, while working on her presentation.  The room guarded the silence and only the clock, quietly gave away, that it was the middle of the night.  The office was quite small, but cozy.  An armchair, with a coffee table, dressed with fresh flowers, in a vase, made of vintage glass, added a warm feel to the room, where she spent most of her time.  A large window, always filled the room with bright light during the day and served as a mirror to the sky by nightfall. 

This room knew all her secrets, all her hardships, her laughter and tears, her most sacred desires.

This was a place, where Kim felt safe. Here, she could be herself, unveiling her soul to the early rays of the sun and making her dreams known to the shining stars.

Big day tomorrow, she thought to herself, as she got up and rushed to take a shower.  She knew that she would be pulling an all-nighter in preparation for her dissertation and thesis in Veterinary and Biomedical Science, that was so long anticipated.

In her early thirties, Kim possessed a flawless figure. Endowed with a sexy cleavage, curvy hips and porcelain skin, Kim was always the center of attention, at any gathering. Her chestnut hair waved luxuriantly, with touches of burnished gold in its highlights, to the very crown of her dainty head. Her round and jeweled brown eyes, always managed to speak for her and quickly gave away her emotions. The faintest smile, made the dimples on her cheeks more profound.

Women envied her and men secretly desired her. 

Young and ambitious, Kimberly Marriton, or simply Kim, as most called her, had her whole future ahead of her and getting her degree was just the beginning.

The hot water, streaming down her back, felt exhilarating. 

-"Reverse saphenous conduit flap is the most appropriate method for durable skin closure of a 180 degree circumferential cutaneous defect involving the metatarsal surface in a golden retriever" -was heard in barely audible voice, as Kim leathered up the soap. She was trying to foresee every question that could be asked of her.  Different theories were intertwining in her head.  She was on information overload. "You'll be fine," - she kept repeating to herself, as she closed her eyes and lifted her face, towards the shower head, relinquishing control to the warm, flowing stream of water.   

Coming out of the shower, Kim caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror as she toweled off. She ran her hands over her body, admiring the fullness and softness of her breasts. Smiling to herself, she slipped into a satin rope and went to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee.

She lived in a two-bedroom apartment, with a lavish living-room and a dinette-kitchen area, where she enjoyed entertaining friends.

A few more hours until sunrise, she thought to herself, as she proceeded to her office, with a freshly brewed cup of coffee.  The monitor turned on as she touched the mouse, to pick up where she left off, prior to dozing off.  Upper left corner of the screen, was signaling new mail. Kim tended to avoid interruptions, while studying, but decided to take a quick glance at the newly arrived correspondence.

The e-mail was from Pat Logan, Kim's long-standing friend.


       Just wanted to drop you a note, wishing you good luck!

       I'm sure you'll do well!  Listen, we are going to celebrate tomorrow 

       I know just the perfect place and I won't take no for an answer!  Will 
       touch base around 6:00.  You should be done by then.

       Knock 'em dead!

                Love, Pat

Morning sunrays, began to fill the room. Kim turned away from her notes and rose to go to the window. She was enjoying the soft light that was caressing her face. This is it! - she thought to herself. The moment of truth!  The long-awaited day! 

She knew exactly what she was going to wear. She was planning out this day a million times in her head.

She pulled a black bra, matching black panties and satin stockings out of the drawer. Pleased with the fit and feel, she reached for a short black skirt and a red blouse with white polka dots, that were fresh out of dry cleaners. The pencil skirt outlined Kim's slender figure and emphasized her perfectly shaped long legs.

The scoop neckline of the blouse, outlined Kim's upper assets, boosting her confidence. She sprayed a small amount of her favorite perfume and put on black pumps to complete the ensemble.

The bus arrived at 7:15 and was fully crowded. Kim got on and proceeded to make her way towards the middle of the bus. A young gentleman, sitting by the window, couldn't resist offering her a seat. It was a perfect Spring day. Everything was blooming and Kim was admiring the scenery. She took out the headphones from her purse and hooked them up to her mobile, where she stored a multitude of her favorite music. Jessie's girl by Rick Springfield was on Kim's first track and she allowed her thoughts to momentarily drift away.

The University hall resembled a heavy traffic area. Kim arrived 1 hour early and decided to go to the cafeteria to get a cup of coffee. She managed to find a seat at the table by the window. She didn't want to look at her notes anymore and was silently observing each table, as she enjoyed every sip of her coffee. A heated basketball discussion was taking place at the adjacent table. The guys were loudly holding a debate and every now and then throwing glances at Kim, as if to engage her in the discussion or catch her attention. She would smile and shyly look away. The table across from her looked like a "study table".  Three females and a male had their books open and were taking turns testing each other.  Kim was scanning the cafeteria until her glance fell upon a young man, who was sitting 4 tables across from her. He seemed to have been studying her as diligently as she was studying others. His look pierced right through her. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks. Without much thought, she got up, tossed the empty cup into the trash can and proceeded towards the exit of the cafeteria.

She approached the Atrium, where the exam was going to take place. Six people were pacing at the door. She came closer to the wall, where the names were listed to see when she was scheduled to present.  The door opened up and a petite woman of Oriental descent called out - Bill Sanders!  A young man quickly responded - by rushing towards her, screaming - here!

Eight years, these walls have welcomed Kim and were second home to her. She was in her twenties, when she joined PennState University. Veterinary Medical Education was her dad's major and became her passion, as she followed in his footsteps. It's been 12 years, since her father was killed in a car accident. Her mother remarried and was living in Maryland. Thoughts were racing in Kim's head at this time, different images popped up...when suddenly the door to the Atrium opened up and a voice yelled out: Kimberly Marriton!   

- Here!   replied Kim and made her way towards the door.

The Atrium seemed bigger than usual. The examination panel consisted of 4 people, three females and a male. Kim was asked to hang her coat and sign in.

The panelist had time to study Kim's submission and began drilling down on the various "barriers" discussed in Kim's thesis paper, with focus on "Pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis in dogs."  With each response, Kim projected knowledge and exuded confidence. 

Two hours later, one of them said: Thank you, Ms. Marriton. You will receive a letter within 2 weeks.

Spring breeze hit Kim's face like an ocean wave, as she came out of the building.  The urgency to catch the bus to make it home at a certain time was a familiar feeling, only this time, there was no need to rush anywhere.  Kim wasn't used to this strange feeling.  What is it? - she thought to herself. She felt a sense of relief, pride, joy, sadness and to her surprise, confusion. Strolling down the street, listening to the screeching sound of the cars, while trying to sort out her emotions, she noticed a diner that she and her friend visited a few years back. 

- A table for one?  asked a young hostess, with a bright smile. She couldn't have been more than twenty, thought Kim, admiring her pretty face.

-- Yes, please, said Kim, as she followed her towards the table.

Lunch special contained various salads, soups and burgers, for which the diner was famous for.  Why not a burger? thought Kim... today, anything goes!

- Have you had a chance to decide yet? asked the waitress.

-- Yes, I'll have a burger, well done, with an order of fries and a medium size coke.  Not too much ice please and a lemon.  Thank you.

Kim's phone rang as she handed over the menu. 

- Hey Kim! How did it go?  It was Pat, calling to remind her about their evening commitment.

-- Ok, I guess.  Will know it 2 weeks.  Guess where I am?  At Vlasso's!   Yep, the one and only.  Of course I remember how you managed to land your cheesecake
in my lap, last time we were here. It's almost 5:00! shouted Kim. 

She was hoping to have enough time to go home and change, but Pat was insisting that she meet her at Copacabana club for drinks, no later than 6:00.

Kim agreed, telling Pat that she will catch a cab and will meet her by the entrance of the club. 

The food was served and Kim couldn't remember the last time she had such a succulent burger. She seldom indulged in fries and soda. Her lunch would almost always include half a tuna sandwich or a grilled cheese and a small cup of vegetable soup.  It felt so good to be able to indulge, so good to not have to rush home and so good not to have to study or write a paper.  Kim finished her meal, paid the bill and made it a point to leave a little extra tip for the waitress.

-- Excellent service! said Kim, as she proceeded to the ladies room.

She took a red lipstick out of her bag and outlined her lips. The bright red looked astonishing on her pale face.  She fixed her stockings and let down her hair, spraying it with her favorite mini perfume, which she always kept in her purse. She was especially pleased with herself today and was looking forward to going out with her friend.

-- Taxi!  - she yelled, extending her arm.  Copacabana club please, she instructed the driver.

Copacabana was a pretty popular hang out place for singles.  The club was also visited by wealthy men in their 60s, who were looking for a good time, with girls half their age.  Kim arrived at exactly 6:00 o'clock and noticed that Pat was already by the entrance.  The bouncer got to decide, who would go in. It wasn't a club where you pay your way for the entrance.  If you're noticed, you're in! 

Pat was two years younger than Kim. She was a petite brunette, with full hips and small breasts. Her hazel eyes were always complimented on and she enjoyed that immensely. She loved to shop and always looked for bargains. As soon as she saw Kim, she showed off her rhinestone hair pin, which was elegantly holding up her luscious, curly hair.  At the age of 30, she continued to dream of becoming a nurse and marrying a doctor, but always complained of her full-time job in sales, which according to her, left her no time, to go back to school.

Not even ten minutes went by as the bouncer spotted the two young ladies and gestured to them to go through the crowd.  The club was dimly lit and the music was really loud. The dance floor was crowded as were the soft red leather loveseats that were part of the decor.  The club had two levels and was like a maze, in which one could easily get lost.  Pat held Kim's hand and led the way through the crowd, ending up at the bar. Pat knew that Kim loved mint mojitos and was eager to treat her to one, to celebrate her big day. Pat ordered and the two, were slowly sipping and enjoying their drinks. 

The bar was located on the first level, where the music was so loud, that it was practically impossible to hear what the other person was saying.  Kim noticed that Pat was wearing a new black lace dress and suddenly was regretting not having gone home to change into something more elegant. Before she could compliment Pat on her new purchase, she noticed a man across the bar, who looked extremely familiar. He was looking straight at her and as soon as he noticed that he caught her glance, he lifted his glass as if saying- "to you" and smiled. 

Kim quickly recalled that this was the same man she saw in the cafeteria earlier that day. As her thoughts were racing, she didn't realize that he had approached.

He leaned over to her left ear, with his drink in his left hand and his right hand extended to Kim, shouting - John Lanahan.  Kim felt flushed and wasn't sure if it was from the mojito.  She shook his hand and leaned over to his ear to shout - Kim, Kim Marriton.

John Lanahan was 5'11", with dark hair and piercing brown eyes. It was evident that he took good care of his body.  His slightly hairy, muscular chest was peaking out of his black colored shirt, which was deliberately unbuttoned at the top. The seams of his black pants, were perfectly ironed. The shirt was tucked in and the leather belt was calling attention to his slim waste. He had the most charming smile, thought Kim.  She couldn't believe how handsome he was up close.

When he leaned back, after introducing himself, Kim smelled the wave of his cologne, which added to his masculinity.  She realized that he was still holding her hand and strangely enough, she didn't want him to let go.

John took Kim's glass placed it at the bar table, next to his, took her hand and swiftly led her to the dance floor.  He was an amazing dancer. He moved so smoothly and rhythmically, as if every cell of his body was charged with music. With his right hand, he would grab her waste every now and then to dip her or to give her a spin. They were so in tune with each other as if they were moving to the same heart beat.

Kim never felt so alive. How can it be? How can someone you have just met, feel so right, as if you've known them your whole life? thought Kim. When they went back to the bar, Pat wasn't there.  John was carefully studying Kim's features. She felt his eyes piercing as if he could see right through her. Each time he smiled, the small lines around his eyes and the pearly white teeth, made him irresistible. Prior to tonight, Kim thought that getting her dissertation was the only thing she really wanted, more than anything in life.  Standing there, next to him, made her forget about test results, anxiety and anticipation of the long awaited career. 

She was beginning to realize that her career would only fill her glass half-way and that this handsome stranger, has become the essence of her being...
