The yellow leaves

The yellow leaves like yellow birds
Fly around me and slowly dance.
I am talking with them without words
About the loss of a happy chance.

The puddle reflects like a silver glass.
Cloudy sky, wet trees and grey dove.
Do you like October rains,  A..s?
They are like tears of unfulfilled love.

Sometimes I feel like I lived five lives
And looked for a non-existent star’s shine.
Five autumns, five lives, five years,
It is one moment and an infinite time.

Интересный стих. GREY- ИСПРАВЬТЕ.С теплом, Светлана.

Света Горецкая   16.10.2014 23:04     Заявить о нарушении

Фаина Фанни   16.10.2014 23:10   Заявить о нарушении