Гильдия социальных планировщиков

Когда бы эти взрывы прекратились,
так поняли б и те, что не родились,
какого счастия лишились.
Включите ядерный феномен,
и норов плебса будет скромен -
сгорит, как кокс в утробе домен.
Немногие из выживших людей
предъявят иск со строгостью судей:
кто разработчики убийственных идей ?
Наверное, уже не тайна,
над чем прилежны чрезвычайно
творцы новейшего дизайна.
Их цель - историю Земли подсократить.
Пора бы им умерить эту прыть.
The Planners

If anything should put an end to This,
I’m thinking the unborn would never miss
What they had never had of vital bliss.
No burst of nuclear phenomenon
That put an end to what was going on
Could make much difference to the dead and gone.
Only a few of those even in whose day
It happened would have very much to say.
And anyone might ask them who were they.
Who would they be? The guild of social planners
With the intention blazoned on their banners
Of getting one more chance to change our manners?
These anyway might think it was important
That human history should not be shortened.
1947 "Steeple Bush"
стих. перевод Владимира Кормана
