Gloria Estefan

September 1st – Gloria Estefan’s birthday.

Gloria Estefan – songwriter, singer & actress of Cuban descent.
Becoming a vocal performer was predetermined for her, meant.
Gloria’s shared her beautiful soprano with the world, true gift.
Her courage, will, determination gave her career boost or lift.

For G. Estefan has been important to retain Latin cultural roots,
Which she incorporated in her music and picked success’ fruits.
She’s an accomplished crossover artist, who’s able to surprise.
Her effort, perseverance, passion & devotion are of a giant size.

Grammy Awards’ winner, Gloria continue to innovate nonstop.
She has successfully fused various genres, such as dance & pop.
Goal oriented, driven, daring, she manifests strong personality,
Achieving an international acclaim, recognition and popularity.

To conquer “emotional catharsis”, she used music as solution.
To music world Gloria Estefan made a significant contribution.
She knew her calling and worked hard fulfilling her potential.
It has eventually paid off with audience’s love, appreciation.

September 1st - Gloria Estefan's birthday, we wish all the best.
May you continue to pursue philanthropy and creative quest.
Thank you for your dedication to music, audience and world.
There will be more opportunities for all your gifts fully unfold.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
