Lizabeth Scott

September 29th - Lizabeth Scott’s birthday.  In 2014 there is 92 years since she was born.

Lizabeth Scott – an actress in film, on radio, television & stage,
Who was successfully turning each of career chapter or page.
Advancing and transitioning to her next opportunity or chance,
Scott overcame Hollywood rivals’ mistreatment and/or offense.

Conveying her courageous, willful nature & strong personality,
Lizabeth incorporated her strengths into a daily career reality.
Her husky voice, sexy appeal, seductive beauty and sensuality
Had constituted Ms. Scott’s big screen identity & individuality.

She’d manifested talent, vigor, determination and versatility.
Scott strongly believed in films as her reservoir of possibility.
Lizabeth had thrived for more, kept shifting to her higher bar
As femme fatale with sparkling & intriguing looks in film noire.

A great performer, Scott had exhibited unique singing quality.
Dainty & elegant, distinctive & expressive, she seemed rarity.
True to herself in singing & acting, on recordings & big screen.
Scott knew how to attract, get recognized, acclaimed and win.

September 29th-birthday of Lizabeth Scott, respected, loved.
Scott had invested effort, dedication, passion & she evolved.
Lizabeth left an imprint in film industry, world and civilization.
She is remembered as successful actress, film noire sensation.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
