Yvonne De Carlo

September 1st - Yvonne De Carlo’s birthday. In 2014 there is 92 years since she was born.

Yvonne De Carlo – a gifted singer, actress, dancer of Canadian descent.
Toward success in entertainment industry she’d thrive, be eager, tend.
Yvonne’s mezzo soprano voice and acting talent had called attention.
She had pursued life’s dream with much willpower and determination.

Yvonne had gradually earned fame, popularity, acclaim and recognition
By diligently working and contributing to big screen, stage and television.
She had exuded depth of feelings, power of emotions, strength of mind.
Yvonne performed in westerns, horror, musicals, comedies - rare to find.

Her sultry voice and curvy body, along with sex appeal and sensuality 
Had constituted her exotic looks, enchanting image and individuality.
Yvonne’s femininity, affection, courage, drive helped her to rise above.
She had remained 40s & 50s beauty idol or symbol, able to care & love.

September 1st – birthday of Yvonne De Carlo, lady of charm & creativity.
Yvonne believed in her potentials, skills, abilities and world of possibility.
She is remembered for her devotion, perseverance, ambition & vivacity.
De Carlo carried well, conveyed her beauty, talent, dignity & star quality.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
