The Stream Of Forgetfulness 29. 03. 04

     Chronology Of A Dead-born Romance
 «Может, твое появление мыслилось пыткой для меня, может, услугой, может, микроскопическим исследованием. Выражением дружбы, коварным ударом или издевательством? Может быть, всем вместе или - что кажется мне самым правдоподобным - чем-то совершенно иным...»
                Станислав Лем. Солярис.

...The wailing of angels flies over the land
The white clouds of smoke slowly curl and ascend
Away to the height, to the winds - sharp and stiff
Which fury and rage may extinguish my grief...

          The Stream Of Forgetfulness
                (To Val.)

...You've sunk into silence re-breaking the nexus
I grieve and I weep but I'm no longer young
Your world is still closed and I don't have an access
To your secret thoughts and the light of your sun

The skies I appeal to are mournfully leaden...
My love! There's a difference our bond can't contain:
You always awaited somebody to gladden
Your heart. I - just someone to ease my soul's pain

The stream of forgetfulness bears the black ferry
Of Charon who surely knew what would ensue
I'm sad. And despite all the dreams we did bury
I grudge to the fate every day without you

I can't share the thoughts and the values that measure
Your life. As you can't take the darkness of mine
And if you don't want me to give you the pleasure,
Farewell... and the last hope I now must resign
