Engines Of Suffering 27. 03. 04

     Chronology Of A Dead-born Romance
      ...Улыбка отчаяния воскресила ее образ... ...Спустя восемь лет девушка, которую я когда-то любил больше жизни, вернулась на родную землю. Мог ли я сей факт проигнорировать? Не мог никак. Знал ли я, что наша second love story обречена изначально? Знал прекрасно. История повторилась с точностью до отвращения...

                Engines Of Suffering   

...every moment without her is the shame forever mine...

The smile of despair resurrected her image
It let me remember what never has been
Her sorrow and tenderness haunted my grim age
But left just the sharp thorns of torment within

I longed for her innocent body to cuddle
I wanted our dreams to unite with no false
Well, all I did find was the lust that can fuddle
But can't really join our estranged jaded souls

The fleet days of life seem the one reminiscence
Of Love and the fragile hope nipped in the bud
And what I've been struggling for? Nobody listens
The poems created of ashes and blood

My heart is still broken - the trivial statement
Too trite to be spoken with my dismal voice
And I think, this time there will be no abatement
Of my laceration nor point to rejoice

The faith is my dungeon; the fear is my jailer
For long I've been lost and my spirit repined
But even the sense of the infinite failure
Could not draw the memories out of my mind

With Her it was easier but her revulsion
Of feelings divided our pathways again
I deemed it was done by her under compulsion
But then I acknowledged: we suffered in vain

Alas, the bright spark in the gloominess glitter
No more. And the vault on the dun shore is laid
'Cause Anguish, Aloofness and Doom did embitter
Our destiny and the attachment we made

...I wander alone in the endless nigrescence
The Reaper walks near but he does not appall
I see my love's face through the Lethe's quiescence
And her frozen eyes bless my bosom to fall...
