301 Журавли

«Журавли» — песня на стихи Расула Гамзатова
в переводе на русский язык Наума Гребнева.
Композитор Ян Френкель.
Перевод на английский- Д.Таращанский.
It seems to me, some times, that all the soldiers,
From bleeding fields had not returned again’s
In our earth one day had not prostrated
But had metamorphosis to whate cranes.

And to the perfect days from a long ago
They’re flying and are sounding to us.
Don’t therefor so frequentcy and sadly
Become we silent loocking when they pass.
A.A…-AA..O……-A.A...A….     A….

It flies and flies a tired wedge at heavens
It flies in mists to a close of the day.
And there is in the wedge there is a smoll gap
May be the place (for me) when I will go away.

The day will come and whith the flock of cranes’s
I will swim in the same dove-coloured haze.
From ander heavens like birds I will be hailing,
They are all’d whom I’d living on the earth.

It seems to me, some times, that all the soldiers,
From bleeding fields had not returned again’s
In our earth one day had not prostrated
But had metamorphosis to whate cranes.
A.A…-AA..O……-A.A...A….     A….

It seems to me, some times, that all the soldiers,
Had have metamorphosis to white cranes……

<Translated by D.Taraschansky>
<Assistant-grandson Konstantin>
   <Worcester>   11.11.2000

Копия(рефлекс), акварель,бумага.
Рис. Д.Таращанский
