Our protagonist came home to rest
After a hard day
Waiting for his wife at home, asking for more TV
When they already have a few
With family met on TV
Not in the life
Earphones put the world to close

Book burning
Burning in the fire -
Today, a lot of it is burned

To work again need to go
New house cleaned
But left with one book
Leave that to read

Read and even for one
Hides all, that would not burn
But he still found
He burned his house and run

Signs everywhere are large -
At high speeds is not visible
And that slipped past the next
He went away before

Found what they were looking for
Who also reads
Reads that to know

Reminiscing about the past,
He saw bombs falling on houses
His wife ...
Happiness was not durable

Now everything is burning
But not in those degrees that are lit
Books - 451
