The Coast Of Eternal Sundown

    Продолжение развития темы о неправой войне. Стихотворение, инспирированное альбомом группы Scanner "Mental Reservation", в своем начале перекликается с "The Seer And The Siren". А затем переходит в повествование от лица героя, потерявшего на войне не только дом и родину, но и душу.

           The Coast Of Eternal Sundown
                (The Land Of Unrepented)
...Если был ты, старик, на неправой войне... что ответить тебе...?...

The battleground of no survivors
Lies far beyond the thousand seas
Here rest the bones of the revivers
And the great deities of peace

Now it's the land of unrepented
Surrounded by the lonesome graves
Here Death unveils the bloody scented
Unholy brine which roars and raves

I followed the illusive traces
To watch the twinkling purple light
The endless sundown's cold embraces
Caress the dun shore of the bight

I sit alone upon the boulder
And contemplate the winding strand
...The kingdoms rise up, fall and moulder
Just to become the swaying sand...

And from the ancient grief I dither
When the macabre shadow whelms
This place. And ere my wishes wither,
The gloom reveals for me its realms

I see the past: the hands that hallow
The weapons of the pointless rage
And catch the bitter cry rebellow
Above the tragic days of age

And we were there. So brave and gorgeous
We met at that infernal ball
Misguided by the scarlet torches
We did lose God within us all

I was as cunning as the lizard
You were as agile as the fox
And the shrill howling if the blizzard
Engrossed the warning prophet's vox

Today the killer is my stigma
My eyes have no more radiance
But if the fate is an enigma,
The Truth is somewhere in suspense

Around me there's a shallow slander
Alas, the dull lies aren't the worst
But every time I'll hear the thunder
I will recall the sundown's coast
