The Pink And The Reaper the poem
Красавицу Pink я срисовал с вполне конкретной очаровательной девочки, жившей со мной по соседству. Когда мне требовалось воплощение невинной красоты и наивности, стоило только выйти взглянуть на неё - и всё, идея рождалась сама собой. Но девочка выросла, пустилась во все тяжкие и я решил: надо её как образ упокоить. Красиво и поэтично. Так родилась концепция "The Pink And The Reaper". Я долго подбирал два понятия, несовместимые по сути, но при этом связанные по смыслу. Сие оказалось не так просто - ведь идея-то далеко не нова. И тут мне вспомнился один местный эндемик - байкальская гвоздика. Осталось найти ей разрушительную противоположность - естественно, мрачный Жнец, он же ангел смерти на летающей колеснице. Ну, а дальше - всё, как положено: конец обреченного мира, отчаяние и гибель. Впрочем, на самом деле, там всё произошло из-за того, что бессмертный в своей инфернальной сущности Reaper полюбил простую земную девушку и хотел уберечь её от Судного Дня. Тем ближе он мне по духу...
Litiya - (старославянск.) заупокойная.
Realms Ultimate = Kingdom Below = Domains Underneath - подземное царство.
Road of Weird - роковой путь, дорога в ад.
Sacrosanct Redeemer - Иисус во Втором Пришествии.
Cursed be the Masterplan! - здесь Reaper проклинает и всё мироустройство, и конец света, и то, что будет после.
The Pink And The Reaper
- litiya for the mortal imagery in two formations -
Epigraph: "...Your waining desires brought to fire
Where your withering life has been mourned
For a thousand years
Where the pain blend with ire
And the night enflames us both..."
Morten Veland
...From The Fane Of Tears...
When the night storm expended its power
The gray seeds of disaster were sown
And the pale sun outlined the high tower
Where the Dark Reaper met the last dawn
The unblessed world about him was charmless
But some place where the south gales don't sweep
The young tender maid dreamt in the calmness
And the faint shine protected her sleep
'Twas the girl from the different dimension
Where no one ever heeds the supreme
Teacher's warning and her comprehension
Was as wan as the clouded moon's beam
She, the godless and rich farther's daughter
Was so innocent, pretty and sweet...
Such a cutie with time growing hotter
But not knowing the point of this heat
And the Dark Reaper watched from the distance
Thinking of her unruffled blithe life:
"What between your soft soul and the Mistlands?
Just one movement of my steely scythe
What despite it I'm sending? The verses
For your beauty to tend my ice chill
But to merge the repelling inverses
There must meddle the Lucifer's will
Since his coldness is my certain feature,
Termination is my only art
It's the lot of the terrible creature
That I'm ready to share and impart
My invoking spells will be the engines
Of seduction to fuddle your mind
I will stop my malevolent vengeance
And we'll ride the unleashed autumn waind
My predictions shall be inauspicious
But you should not deny your real fate
On the wings of the devilish wishes
We will fly to the Realms Ultimate
And if Love and Distress may encounter,
Your great guardian star's doomed to sink
I'll become your tartarean hunter
And you'll be my divine Blooming Pink..."
...Into The Virgin Fascination...
And the hour he chose to arouse,
The Dark Reaper left his Fane of Tears
And appeared at the roof of the house
Which he saw from the matterless spheres
He engendered the fog - black and frighting,
Veiled with it the retreat of his prey,
Read a short prayer and opened the Writing
'T were the scrolls of the God's Judgement Day
The Dark Reaper looked through the glass ceiling
Of the bedroom and said: "Be for aye"
Then he called her name and the grim feeling
Struck him down. 'Twas the cruel price to pay
The cruel price for the rude violation
Of the ancient progenitors' law
That asserts: There is no penetration
For the live to the kingdom below
But the Dark Reaper broke this hard order
Holding tightly the slumbering girl,
He did cross the invisible border
And they both evanesced in a twirl
Two inflamed figures rushed like the arrows
O'er the funeral flat of the lost
To the space where the Road of Weird narrows
And the damned are expecting the worst
Passing by the obscure Limbo's bustle
They did reach the Domains Underneath
The young maiden waked up in the castle
Standing solitary at the heath
The Dark Reaper in his purple mantle
Sat beside her bed shielding the ray
Of the melting white ritual candle
Which hot wax dripped upon the gold tray
He breathed deep, cast a glance at his captive,
Spread his right head and said: "Meet my hell!
Brave, my dear, welcome to the inceptive
New reality where we shall dwell
It is true - your foretold end approaches
'Cause this candle's dissolving too fast
But be rescued from your future tortures
Follow me and get rid of your past
The sanguine foaming tide is cascading
To collide with the blue raging brine
All the grounds of Inferno are waiting
For your way to be joined here with mine".
...To Enjoy The Inevitability...
So, when the first maid's fears receded,
She found the strength to guess and speak:
"To follow you?!? Why you conceded
This must be me - estranged and weak?"
"You incarnate my sole desire -
The Reaper smiled and touched her skin
His fingers flashed - And I admire
Some things you always hid within
My shrine's build of the chopped off rubbles
From the mankind's forgotten grave
And midst the billions of the troubles
You are the one I want to save
Behind my door the being's over,
The Revelation is fulfilled
And but the phantoms forced to hover
There's none upon the blast-scorched field".
"Though I was born the unbeliever... -
The maiden bent her little head -
This kind of notion makes me shiver...
You're glad to magnify my dread?"
"You need another sign or portent
To trust the mission I propose?
Just Death eternally stayed potent!
Get up, I'll show you how it was!"
The maiden sensed the rapid motion
And then began the violent race
Up the incarnadine bleak ocean
Into the terror's strong embrace
And in the chariot of fire
The Reaper put his arms around
The beauty's waist. "Do not suspire! -
He said - The Chaos is profound.
Apocalypse and demolition
Wherever is its concrete date
If you prefer the straight cognition,
Let's witness the result of hate!"
And while the chariot was flying
Above the towns razed by Despair,
The maid watched shuddering with crying
And the Dark Reaper stroked her hair
And in the skies numb from depression
He took her innocence away
When in a sudden burst of passion
The lightnings cut the ruined clay...
Baptized by grief, the beauty reckoned
The triple number of the beast
His essence lulled, enticed and beckoned
Ere the inward commotion ceased
And contemplating the destruction
Of the frenetic Satan's feast
She had no more words for the ruction
And no more longing to resist
The dusk set low its formless cover
And as the maiden felt the blight,
The might of her demonic lover
Enwrapped her by the warm delight
But drowning in a wild excitement,
Her brain revived the Bible's scene
Where angels blame the unenlightened
Declining stocks enslaved by sin
Fair was the necromantic rapture
But soon the maid's hope was resigned
She realized she is a capture
For the Dark Reaper's deft design
The keen funereal emotion
Acquired in her its constant shape
She overcame her seized exhaustion
To search the small chance to escape
And when the Sacrosanct Redeemer
Emerged and lit the heaven's haze
She stretched to his increasing glimmer
And threw herself towards the blaze
The Reaper drew the flaring bridle
And shouted: "Why you can't submit?!!"
But 'twas too late. The suicidal
Release already was complete
And when upon the warped and prickly
Burnt remnants of the dragon's nest
The maid fell silently and quickly,
The long and sharp thorn pierced her breast...
...And Witness The Attractiveness Of Death...
...Upon the earth where all this started
The Reaper did descend and then
He saw the beauty is departed
And screamed: "Cursed be the Masterplan!"
He washed her and soothed out her tresses
And sealed her in the crystal tomb
Then said: "Oblivion caresses
The grace my heart tried to assume
The throe and woe forever vanquish
The joy that's fleeting like a blink
Without you I'll be lost in anguish
But rest in peace, my withered pink
I am the spirit of Conviction
The farewell sunset's on the wane
And with the Age of Malediction
Here comes the GLOOM in which I reign
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