Chroniclers Of Fate

    Концептуальное произведение в четырех частях. В нем появляются сразу три героя будущих стихов - Риппер, Летописец и Хранитель. Начинается стихотворение с вольного перевода части заклинания из Вуду для вызова Аданатоса.
    Аданатос - в христианской демонологии одно из воплощений Сатаны, дух, накапливающий грехи всего мира и каждого человека в отдельности. Профессиональные маги способны вызывать Адонатоса, чтобы задать ему три вопроса. Дух является из преисподней в обличии того, кто его вызвал. Как и все обряды Вуду, ритуал смертельно опасен.
    Образ Аданатоса очень близок главному герою стихотворения, от лица которого и ведется повествование, потому что он - глава черного ордена жрецов, обладающих способностью перемещаться во времени. Обрнмененные даром изменять историю, они при этом - простые смертные с обыкновенными человеческими чувствами и переживаниями. Нельзя управлять чужими жизнями, не жертвуя при этом своей. "Chroniclers Of Fate" - лишь ознакомление с данной концепцией. В дальнейшем тема получит развитие.

                Chroniclers Of Fate
 Acquaintance with conception in 4 parts

                PART: 1. Adanatos
                (ritual proem)

Adanatos! Lawless and infinite!
Spirit of Universe with the legion of black angels!
Holding the book of Fate and watching for the sins of mine
Trying to increase them
You, who is looking for the crown
But holding a sceptre of Evil
You Adanatos and I'm invoking you now!
I'm conjuring you by the sky that is starry
And the earth that's fertile
By all the existing elements
In the names of those, who serve you
And in the name of that one you, Adanatos,
Avoid and afraid of
Spelling with flaming that is yours
Which you light and keep by yourself incessantly from century to century
Pentagrammaton!!! Detach the ground from ground, water from water, the hour from Eternity, Eternity from Infinity,
The salt from the ocean, the Church from deception
In the name of Immortal God heed me!
I'm bidding you, Adanatos, arrive!
And tell me the truth I wish to know
You are the chronicler.
And I'm your permanent bewitcher.

                PART: 2

Epigraph:     ...Reality is the part of history, which we cannot change
Everything else is just an abstraction.
                Lexen Grayverse
We are the resurrection's creatures
The ancient guards of the Reverse
The northern winds became our teachers
To reign the flying Reaper's hearse
We are the witnesses of Sentence
We  saw: the future's still not set
But death awaits to force the entrance
And turn the earth to desert flat
Despair lives on midst the assuaging
Black shadows in our weary eyes
When over this damned world is raging
The nightgale of the searing ice
Our way is dark, our wings are sable
The moonlight is our faithful guide
But just a few of us are able
To contact with the Other Side
I am the crystal river's keeper,
The bringer of a weeping chime
That penetrates the silence deeper
Than the eternal call of time
I need nobody to enamour
And the composure is my rule
Because to catch the danger's flavour
My spirit should be calm and cool
My present living has no meaning
It leaves no chance to hope and think
And to outline a new beginning
I take a step beyond the brink
I can discover any instant
In the hereafter or the past
And trust me, everything existent
Won't finish with the blinding blast

                PART: 3.

Preventing the tremendous murders
And treading up the ruin's verge,
We formed our secret voodoo order
And gave the promise to our church:
"The vengeance for the mortal sinners
Must hurtle down to crush and burn
Nor long ago our land was cleaner
And that condition we'll return"
The bad events in which we meddle,
Can't be rewritten all as such
We curb the evil in the cradle
And Hell dislikes it very much
The portent let us be united
But yet our essences aren't free
Somebody's deeds stayed unrequited
And someone hates his destiny
                PART: 4.

My curse is the unchanging feeling
Of the irrevocable lack
Betrayed, my soul can't find a healing
That's why I don't want to look back
It was not easy to acquire
And now it's harder to restrain
The skill which cannot be entire
Until my brain is full of pain
And when I cross the magic passage
Between the epochs - real and faint,
The youth's voice as the lost dream's message
Inflames me with the former strength
The payment for the prophet's seeing
In insularity and grief
But it is wiser than the being
In the imposed on false belief
I traveled through the different spaces
And everywhere I watched the same:
The net of greed and lies enlaces
The minds devoured by the fame
We're out of this destructive glory
Of fate and witchcraft we depend
But only Heaven knows our story
And only God can make it end
Surrounded by the frail illusions
This brutal planet's so serene...
And we're the hand for execution
Of power that's too strong to win
"We're the disciples of Creation" -
Thus said the One who was before
And some great day the wizard nation
Will carry on our holy war
