I just want...

I just want to dispute with you till my undeniable win,
To read all the chronics, discussing all news with you, darling,
To listen you telling me secret and wonderful dreams,
And hear "you're smart" in-place of your everyday "charming"...

But now I'm smiling in front of you foolishly sweat,
Pretending: I have no thoughts in my head in abundance,
Remembering a phrase of famous and lovely Scarlett
"A girl should be silly to catch on her own a husband"

Однако..Здорово.И девушки всё же не такие глупые;)А понимают их мужья или нет,это уже другая сторона медали...

Алла Новикова-Аверкиева   18.09.2014 14:24     Заявить о нарушении