John Huston

August 5th – John Huston’s birthday.  In 2014 there is 108 years since he was born.

John Huston – a talented film actor, director and screenwriter.
He viewed the art of film making from another angle - wider.
Scene pictures, sketches were created before he was to shoot.
Huston’s remembered as being versatile, intelligent & astute.

Pursuing concepts of freedom, psychology, truth and religion,
John made his wise professional as well as personal decision.
He had devoted himself to films, inventing them with passion.
Huston’s persistence, talent and hard work led to satisfaction.

What outstood was John’s enthusiasm, uniqueness, originality.
Huston exhibited mastery, talent, intuition, work ethics quality.
He had produced dramas, romantic comedies, adventure story.
For his contribution he had received praise, recognition, glory.

John was a charming and inspiring man with “flamboyant life,”
In which he would periodically engage in & would further dive.
Although it interfered with work, John found strength and will
To timely identify his predetermined calling, pursue and fulfill.

August 5th – birthday of John Huston, a fine professional & man.
He is remembered by each friend, family member, colleague, fan.
True legend, he was admired, appreciated & respectfully treated.
Huston’s ambition, genius, courage wasn’t wasted, he succeeded.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
