The fray is over...

The fray is over, but not the war.
My love can’t live here anymore.
Am I forgotten? And who am I?
Your world is rotten, I wish to die.

I wish to die, not for someone,
But for myself it should be done.
Am I just weak or maybe strong?
Your world is dead. I can’t be wrong.

I can’t be wrong, cause I can see.
There is no time to let you free.
And now you begin to hover.
War never ends, the fray is over.

The fray is over, but not the life.
Without water I can not dive.
Am I not satisfied enough?
Your world is ill. You killed our grove.

You killed our grove. All leaves are black.
I can not stay, I can’t come back.
Am I not punished by woe?
Your world is gray. And you just toy.

And you just toy of power spell.
I can not cry, but I shall yell:
I’m not your foe, but I'm your lover.
Life never ends, the fray is over.

©2004 Lau Goldman. All rights reserved.
