Just simple game

Thousands faces, millions of eyes.
Which one of them will choose drop of dice?
Just simple game, you heed my voice.
It's my decision, you have no choice.

My cruelest gesture and you kneel.
In my aggression you have no will.
Just simple game, you only toy.
I know this well, my love - decoy.

My sweetest look - heart soar in sky.
But if I'll leave, I guess, you will cry.
Just simple game, you lonely ray.
My gloom is coming and you shall pray.

My soul - gem with many sides.
Each one for you, one of my brides.
Just simple game and at this time
I gonna use my deadly rhyme.

Millions voices, thousands screams.
May be reality, may be your dreams.
Just simple game - pearls on the sand.
It is your challenge, my scared friend...

©2003 Lau Goldman. All rights reserved.
