Time, Burnt out aloud. Рада и Терновник

"Время, выжженное вслух" - Рада Анчевская ("Рада и Терновник")
(альбом "Книга о жестокости женщин")
Перевод на английский

And the time, burnt out aloud,
Will echo with gala lie;
And, being lost in the three trees (*in the broad daylight)
I have to go in circles by the circular road,
And see the passersby having the black hole
On the place of heart [instead of heart],
And I [have to] fall into autumnal pond
Like evergreen leaves.

I'm a bird of your youth [early days]
Let me fly tirelessly,
I sing with your voice
And forty eyes stare after me,
And my endless gifts
I drop into blue sea,
And I bring [offer] my praise
When I see the first track of light

Your dreams are in my eyes,
Just look, carefully and closer,
And the image of your heart
Will freеze on my lips.

Don't be afraid to give me your hand,
Today I'm most gentle and most quiet:
Today, you may take rest
In my invisible wings.

Данный перевод является подстрочником,
и сделан исключительно с целью объяснить слушателям-иностранцам, о чем поется в песне.
Сохранение рифм и ритма в цели не входило.

Glad to see such a good English! Best wishes and greetings from Krasnodar! :)

Ульфара Айфенборг   23.03.2024 15:05     Заявить о нарушении