Tony Bennett

August 3rd - Tony Bennett’s birthday.

Tony Bennett – a talented singer of jazz, show music and pop.
Once he’s discovered passion, chose to pursue & never stop.
Tony has outstood with vocal technique, approach, execution.
He has sometimes experimented with musical genres’ fusion.

With bel canto training, vocal phrasing and style Tony shined.
His song interpretation & improvisation – unique, bright, fine.
Bennett’s performed with determination, courage & passion.
He brings joy to his audience, receiving personal satisfaction.

Tony has manifested his enthusiasm, charisma and positivity.
He touched a worldwide audience with mastery & versatility.
Bennett devotes himself to predetermined calling & succeeds,
Allowing younger generations follow him, as he plants seeds.

August 3rd - Tony Bennett’s special day, a birthday celebration.
May life be filled for you with health, happiness & inspiration!
Thanks for your imprint on the map of music, your dedication. 
We’d like to express to you love, praise, respect, appreciation.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
