Jennifer Lopez

July 24th – Jennifer Lopez’s birthday.

Jennifer Lopez – a talented singer, producer, actress, dancer & author.
Instead of lacking determination, courage to succeed, she dares rather.
Jennifer has gradually become an international idol, celebrity and star.
Her dream, ambition, will, strength & work ethics have taken her afar.

Gifted athletically from youth, she integrated it into her stage career.
Genres of R&B, dance & Latin pop contributed to her status of a diva.
Lopez transformed into a new image of sex symbol across the world.
She isn’t shy, demure, coy or bashful, but confident, proactive, bold.

For Jennifer it is important to do it all, while able to dance, sing, act.
Like a perfectionist, she knows what does she want and tends to get.
She has achieved commercial, critical success and overall popularity.
With many goals and plans in place, she never compromises quality.

Lopez seeks balance of the mind, spirit and body, and she receives.
While advocating for many people, Jennifer also generously gives.
She celebrates her birthday on July 24th, we wish you all of our best.
May life for you be full of love, joy, inspiration, happiness & health!

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
