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I wanna live in jungle world
Basic instinct without a word
Among high palms, wild atmosphere
Without cash just exist there
Don’t know illusions and regret
Just day by day survival track
In every minute face to face
Fighting for leading boarder space
Predator’s noise or victims scream
Just make your choice, this life – extreme
What can be better tribe of wolves
They have a couple simple rules
About love about pride
They’re vision – truth, they’re open mind
If is it fight – just to protect
Always with honor and respect
No treachery and dirty lie
No questions: when, how much and why?
This life created just for me
Place, where I am suppose to be
I know, I feel where I belong
That’s why I wrote this lovely song
I can’t be a human anymore
Because it’s hurt me to the core
My last Goodbye and see you soon
You’ll hear me crying on the moon!
