Arent we considered to be mummies?

Aren`t we considered to be mummies?
Or ones who are being used like dummies?
We do monotonous work every day
Trying to find our own way.
We suck up to colleagues and boss
In order to increase money in our purse.
And whether we feel drained and slack,
Are bound to have a panic attack-
We wish to be wasted and turn back
From all the problems with Whisky Jack.

Is that an "exit" from all the worries?
How long does it help to avoid flurries?
Just fancy about fears that enclose us in a cage
And put a crimp into turning a new page.
 We don`t need a soothsayer to show proof
Everyone hides tiredness like a spoof:
We shout at family, passers or friends
Then apologize and make amends;
Or shrink into one's shell,
Willing easily go through hell.

What`s the reason that stops us from being humans,-
Humans that love, live with joy, make plans?
Why do we only wait for vacation,
For the purpose of living to the full with elation?
Life is so short, fleeting, unique.
Hold on a minute, stop to be weak.
Say “No” to anger, weakness and pain.
Give up quarrels, stop complain.
Say “Yes” to sweets of life and insanity.
Make your dreams a reality.

может быть правильнее escape а не exit

Ольга Спирина 2   15.08.2014 16:22     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо, возьму exit в кавычки, т.к. смысл именно найти дверь, а потом уж убежать :)

Анна Хонькина   16.08.2014 11:09   Заявить о нарушении

В субботу 22 февраля состоится мероприятие загородного литературного клуба в Подмосковье в отеле «Малаховский дворец». Запланированы семинары известных поэтов, гала-ужин с концертной программой.  Подробнее →