Ты помнишь?.. - перевод А. Блока

Do you remember? In our dreaming bay
The green water was dozing,
In one kielwater row then
The warships went to the mooring.

Four of them - grey. And questions
Waved us for a whole hour,
The sunburnt sailors with the nose raised
Passed by without a doubt.

The world became more attractive and wide,
Suddenly - the ships had gone far.
We'd seen: all the four ones
Buried into the sea in the dark.

And again the sea became so usual,
The beacon blinked sadly, when
On the low semaphore the last cue
Was carried up to the end...

How little is the need in this life
For us, for our children - for you and me.
The heart is likely to be happy once
By one insignificant and small novelty.

When you find suddenly in your pocket a knife
With the mote of the distant lands -
The world becomes again the strange one,
Covered, wrapped up in the coloured haze!

1911 - 6 febr 1914
Aber'Wrach, Finistere
