I ve met you there

I've met you there
Among the dragon-scales of city frames,
Among the veins of streets and lazy rivers,
Among the strangers busy with their race
You were the one to reunite the slivers
Of broken Dream.
My Sunbeam.

I've met you there.
A ray of dying hope to reach the Truth,
In your unbuttoned coat you seemed so real...
You were the one to find me and to soothe
My ancient wounds and dry my lonely tears,
And so I screamed:
"My Sunbeam!"

I've met you there.
Behind the darkened glass you felt my eyes
And turned your face to fix my shapeless presence...
I'd lit my heart.. but might you recognize
A sign of me? Or... I could hide my essence
And all you'd seen -
A sunbeam...


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