
 Ангелы от Aurika
Художник Aurika is a Lithuanian artist who has presently settled down her studio in Vilnius
Her education is based on knowledge and experience aquired in Vilnius Art Academy.
Aurika's artwork has been exhibited in Vilnius, Kaunas, Utena as well as Amsterdam and Chicago. Various paintings form a part of private collections all over the world.
Angels Secrets

Не сердись, мой Ангел Божий,
Если правда выйдет ложью.
Встречный ветер не допрашивают,
Правды с соловья не спрашивают

Марина Цветаева

Их цвета не приукрашивают...
Только души прихорашивают.
Наши... не чужие.
Луга заливные...
