Щебет пташек за окном... на английском языке

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The chirp of birds outside the window…
It’s strange… The winter’s all around…
But they’re singing, praising winter
Here in my birch-tree…safe and sound…
I can’t help laughing seeing how they
Fluffed up their feathers looking straight
Through my bright window. It’s amazing
For them to watch how people’s way
Of life from theirs greatly differs.
They seem to be discussing us,
Creating stories, tales and myths…
They seem to know why life’s so fast…
They seem to know why life is given
To us and how we ought to live…
All our faults should be forgiven…
In love we strongly should believe…
I am also very fond of merry
And happy days here on the Earth
Among my dear friends, and daily
I need them from my very birth.
