Breaking through 19. 06. 12


Breaking through
Searching for answers
Never finding any but true
Tracking the dancers

Tracking down the purpose of life being
Of existence of the universe
Of the darkness of the ceiling
Of stars until the last verse

Until the last breath
Constant surfing through the mists
Straying without rest
Slaying fears with your fists

Betraying tears of the uttermost desire
Burning, boiling up and urging down
One step at a time to be taken to sire
Half a step to fall and drown

Plunging into the ocean of dreams
Swimming in the waters of emotions
Feeling something - whatever it means
Beautiful distorted proportions...

Finding a new binding, a new beginning requires a great cost...

Always? Inevitably? Why?
Don't be afraid to get lost
Break through...crush the chains
Fly into the sky

The vast of heaven forever remains...

Post but Scriptum: there are always answers, still not enough courage to accept them or to discover new ways of life...

19 июня 2012 в 21:46


В субботу 22 февраля состоится мероприятие загородного литературного клуба в Подмосковье в отеле «Малаховский дворец». Запланированы семинары известных поэтов, гала-ужин с концертной программой.  Подробнее →