Do not let me be a bird of prey, English version

So wonderful to be just a bird
And fly over a huge lands
Be together with whole world
Heaven's shining will be the next..
I wanted to be of more beautiful colors,
Decorate the sky with lovely rage.
This was too easy to prey
And for predator to come to the cage.
Do not let me be a bird of prey!
I never will kill living things.
I will not drink someone's blood,
Otherwise I will hear heaven's rings.
In fact I wanna be very gray ...
Just small bird with a question of why,
Without any great signs, no prey,
Huge world will present me the sky.
Under me will sweep many seas,
Forests, rivers, mountains next to blue moon ...
And desert tries to send me a breeze
And the sunset in time coming soon.
Our world unbelievable fine ...
But no one feels sorry today ...
I have only one dream which is mine.
Let my flight will not be in vain,
I wanna be the human again.
To discuss the earthly glory,
It will be forever the soul,
Reflected in human's life story.
