перевод на англ. Я спросил у ясеня Киршон В

I put a question to the oak: “where is she my only love”
The Oak never answered me shaking with it’s head

Went to maple and questioned it: “where is she– my only love?”
The Maple only showered me with heaps of golden leaves.

I put the question to the Fall: “where is she - my only love?”
Autumn cried to answer me with tears of the rain.

Questioned was the autumn Rain: “where is she – my baby love?”
Cried the Rain with heavy tears outside my home.

Asked my question to the Moon: “Where is she my only love?”
The Moon put clouds o’er self an’ turned away from me.

Asked the Clouds: “Where is she? Where is she my only love?”
Clouds dwindled and was gone to the open sky.

“There you are my only Friend. Do you know where is my Love”
“Tell me where to she’s gone? Do you know that?”

He answered me my only Friend, he answered me my faithful hand:
“She used to be your only love, she used to be your baby-love, she used to be your love and life
But now she’s my wife”

Практически дословно получилось.
По стилю изложения похоже на балладу, I feel so.

С уважением, Аэлита (она же Кэт с ФБ).

Аэлита Коварская   08.11.2019 18:48     Заявить о нарушении
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