стихотворения Игоря Боронина "БОГ есть ЛЮБОВЬ"
I've often heard the phrase that "GOD is LOVE!".
Love made my life. It seems, I breathed it in.
My love was given to me, most likely, from above
And I enjoyed it, though, it made me suffering.
However I don’t know what this is.
I havn’t words describing my delight,
My owerflowed soul, my heart, which sinks -
The world is permeated with bright light.
Creator, God and Master of the World!
Again and once again I give you thanks
For that I loved and that I was beloved
And now feel the love as in past years!
The life is very difficult at times,
Large problems are impend as snowslide.
And HOPE-boat’s rigging looks like rags.
The only LOVE will save and bring the light.
I iterate it many-many times,
Because I know exactly - “GOD is LOVE”.
And though my life is very hard sometimes
GOD knows I loved, I’m loved, and I so love!
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