I have a dream, I m not afraid of flying

I have a dream, I’m not afraid of flying
And all I want is in the world of mine.
Green grass, blue sky and pretty sounds of violin.
It’s all I can, imagine all the time.

I know for certain, I could be that Alice
Who went to worlds where there’s no “ the head”
And what it could and would and must be there,
I wouldn’t be .hey, can you understand?

Oh, please! Don’t try to take away my colors,
With help of which I could create a day.
Inside of me I have 200 alarms,
Which ring when dreams are going far away.

Oh, please... don’t try to make from me the woman
I won’t be as you want, I’ll be the same.
That girl who could create 200 alarms,
One smiling cat , the  world from which I came.
