Marceline Day

April 24th – Marceline Day’s birthday.  In 2014 there 106 is years since she was born.

Marceline Day – 1920s-1930s well-known actress of the motion picture.
She played in comedy, horror & drama, while wider audiences reaching.
Day was a lady & a star of silent screen within her time in her own right.
She’s able to accomplish professional success, her acting career height.

Susan, Marcia, Betty, Alice, Phyllis, Mary, Dorothy, Pearl, June, Faith…
Ms. Marceline Day pursued her film parts at her own time and pace.
Judith, Jane, Laura, Ellen, Sally, Patricia, Grace, Evelyn, Sandy, Clare…
She tried various genres and roles, she’d certainly engage and dare.

With silent films and Western talkies Marceline achieved her popularity.
She made an effortless transition, conveying affable & light personality.
Day had a pleasant voice, while being a naturally mesmerizing charmer.
Her beauty, dedication & right attitude appeared as her reliable armor.

April 24th – birthday of Marceline Day, the 1926th WAMPAS Baby star.
She had fulfilled her acting potentials & reached own professional bar.
Day is remembered for her effort, talent, courage, contribution, spirit.
She had succeeded in a transition to the talkies, transformation, pivot.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
