The seventh step You will fly

Boring sermon do says
love is basic your way
to the Earth's Paradise
seventh step will be high.
If you want live in peace
And the hate must be ceased
You're invincible wise.
Don't afraid you will fly.
Absolve your way
for your deft really talent.
You're deft and you can sing really.

Why did if you know
that your way is under blow
just go to the light
and you do not fight
Fly up over foes
 try to prove you are hero
must be brave in the fights
And your fame will be bright

Coral drawing of sky
bewitches any eyes.
Don't afraid of the flight
It's your seventh step's might.
If you strive to have bliss,
Come to lover and kiss
Hug the world. Look in eyes
Give up game. It's your life
Absolve your way
for your deft really talent.
You're deft and you can sing really

Morning changes the sea.
Calm is wiping a wave.
But I'd like to go away,
Just I don't like to see
their sweet faces.
Soul has love and hate.
You do want to be right
But always the life's wise.
Absolve your way
for your finesse squally talent.
You're deft and you can sing verily

The slogans screak to me
For all they are right.
I never follow them,
the finest  way is my.

Don't boggle myself.
I say just to me
dismiss all advisers.
But only sing and fly.

