
We were nourished, nurtured, educated
By beloved Mother - Kiev Rus!
We're one people, we're together stronger:
Ukraine and Russia, Belarus!

In the cradle we grew up together,
Tasted endless love and deepest pain
That united us for ages over ages:
Belorussia, Russia and Ukraine!

When the Sun obscured is by a dark cloud,
When the heart is sorrowful and sad,       
Our friendship will disperse all troubles:
Ukraine and Russia, Belarus!

There's no people closer to each other,
There's no joy for us in rich far land,
We love gracious, fascinating and majestic
Belorussia, Russia and Ukraine!

In  innumerable  Victories of Glory
Our Faith was most important gain:
Holy Orthodoxy Spirit leading
Belorussia, Russia and Ukraine!

We are family! And even if we quarrell,
Even if we fight each other crushing...   
Peace will conquer all, since we are brothers:
Ukraine, and Belarus, and Russia!

In the hour of misfortune, Brother,
Standing side by side we'll never lose!
Won't allow to hurt beloved Mother -
Our gorgeous noble Kiev Rus! 

