Glengall Bridge

He bought his first pack of the week
At the tobacconist’s in Pepper Street
Right by the florist’s and the curry place
And nervously unwrapped while heading
Eastward over the Glengall Bridge

(Erica, sweetheart, let me give you a hug
I hereby proclaim a hugs and kisses day
Dimitry, ’s lovely you are here
Oh yes, I’m good, I’m doing very good
How was your weekend?  Oh, no, we all worked
For twelve straight hours, Jesus
We closed that deal, you know, we did, I’m happy)

The Glengall Bridge by night is empty
Likewise Millharbour, neither dogs nor men
The sounds are that of wind
And of the distant passing train, the smells are
The fragrance of unknown English flowers
And heavy air ascending from the river
And through the canal locks. That of the turbid water
The city sleeps before the daily toils
Sleep well, oh do sleep well, oh please
The strike is off, we all have work to do here

(Now he did miss his pack of cigarettes
The peace had been denied him and he sank
Down to the silted acreage of the docks
He breathed millennia, he caressed
The darkest secret deep inside his ribcage)

Be careful if you are travelling after drinking
If you are carrying luggage, use the lift
Don't board a train if you begin to feel unwell
Take time to plan your journey in advance
Avoid the risks and always use a licensed cab
Don't carry too much cash and keep your wallet close
Try to avoid walking alone at night

(Words not to be uttered
Glances not to be thrown
Money not to be spent
Warmth not to be wasted
In this unruly weather, by all means, stay warm)

-- May 2014
