Jeanne Crain

May 25th – Jeanne Crain’s birthday.  In 2014 there is 85 years since she was born.

Jeanne Crain – an actress known for acting, dancing & ice skating.
She’s gradually achieved acclaim, recognition, praise, higher rating.
Although Jeanne didn’t win Oscar for “Pinky,” she was nominated.
She was one of Fox studio’s Hollywood stars that was celebrated.

Margaret, Julia, Marjorie, Helen, Deborah, Peggy, Letty, Patricia, Ann,
Kitty, Elizabeth, Ruth, Della, Linda, Marian - roles of her  career span.
Jill, Connie, Reed, Diane, Dora, Claudia, Nefertiti, Liza, Laura, Joyce…
She played wide spectrum of characters, for which she had a choice.

Crain did not want to be type casted as the girl-next-door in films.
A multifaceted actress aimed playing other roles, fulfilling dreams.
She starred in melodrama, comedy, romantic films & on television.
Jeanne was devoted & persevere in achieving her career mission.

Crain was naturally beautiful, feminine, glamorous and charming,
Which were along with generosity and kindness simply disarming.
May 25th – Jeanne Crain’s birthday, we think of her in soul & heart.
Her contribution, dedication to Hollywood left an imprint or mark.

Copyright©2014 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
