Do not wake up a sleeping dog!
Lies every day
About Russian dreams
To start the flame
Of war on Earth,
Which blessed my Russia*.
Obama's dreams -
From bad to worse:
To stick pins into Cassia**.
They pay the money to the Devil
To get the toy they want.
But they will never be just able
To understand the honest talk.
Do not wake up a sleeping dog!***
Remember judgement of the God...
*the earth, which blessed my Russia – Kieve is the historical mother-land of Russian State.
** Cassia - Cassia the Hymnographer (христианская святая). Поэтесса, гимнограф, почитается в православной церкви как святая.Её произведения вошли в богослужебные книги Православной церкви.
*** Do not wake up a sleeping dog - не будите спящую собаку (англ. пословица).
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