You see, if you have a moment of perception

There has been one phrase that I feel very compelled to share. If you cannot say anything nice, don't say anything at all. We can remove the negative and just write this out,

 "Think only thoughts of benevolence. Speak only with a voice of kindness."

 We think about people all day long. Experiment with clarity. Attempt to focus one day on every thought you have about someone, including your Self. This activity will challenge your awareness in a transcended state of observation. Most will fail within the first 45 seconds.

 A study at the Max Plank Institute showed decisions made 7 seconds before consciously being aware of them. Even then, your thoughts are firing off through the subconscious layers of ego projecting, propagating, and even creating the "reality" of the people you think about moment by moment.

 You see, if you have a moment of perception (for example) that a person is "something" and you fired of this decision, perhaps, seconds before ever becoming aware of it. You may not even be aware of it at all, depending on your state of observation. Regardless, it is now in the perception/conception life cycle of you. The more this pattern of thought repeats about this person, the more you will perceive that reality about the person... the more they may actually demonstrate your perception of them. This is how we program people into our reality based on our belief systems.

 Let us have no preconceived notions of someone. Each moment being new as a demonstration of peace. This is how the flower blooms for the sun; completely nurtured by the grace of it's unconditional light.

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Валерия Зорина 3   02.04.2017 11:15     Заявить о нарушении
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