Love is soul s sole guide

Life is tough for sure
Yet, love comes to cure us
Yet, there are plenty of songs
They make us strong.

Knights are fighting for young Dames. Oh,yeah!
Nights and Days. Time and again. Uh-oh.
For the Glory, Stories, Fame. Tough Guys.
Plumes on helms wave like Red Flames. So Nice!

Warrior saw girl. Heart’s hardened.
Falls in love, but Falls in Battle.
Girl cries. Heart’s so crushed and battered.
Where’s all gone? All Flattered’s flatten.

Young commander’s diving under
In the yellow Mellon-Sub
Tin of coffee – metal coffin
Sub is popping belly up.

And again his lady weeping,
Badly sleeping. Dreams are creepy.
Praying, prompting his return.
Mourning eve and dawn and morn

Life is tough? [(Oh yeah!)] Of course.
Many swelter, swear, curse.
Yet the Love is here to stay
It sways my way.

Surgeons cut, narrow missing.
Patient hissing, paling, pissing.
Sorrow soul's sort of kissing
Angels that at gate to please him.

Yet, his girl- the real angel -
Pays in prayers, changes dangers
Brings him back. He’s brisk, alive.
Love is soul’s sole guide.

Love is here to stay
Million years away


В субботу 22 февраля состоится мероприятие загородного литературного клуба в Подмосковье в отеле «Малаховский дворец». Запланированы семинары известных поэтов, гала-ужин с концертной программой.  Подробнее →