
- Could you be more specific?
- The subject of love cannot be explained by science, it cannot be theorized and it sure cannot be the same for everyone.
- But there are works on this concept, you can’t just throw them away.
- Why not?
- Because people spent their lives searching for the answers.
- And did they find them?
- Some have, some haven’t.
- No one has. And you know it. You’re just afraid of the fact that I am right. You, on the other hand, are wrong.
- Have you ever been in love?
- Been. Key words, right? There’s no pain, greater, than the pain we felt in the past.
- Were you hurt?
- Suffocated. At one point I came to realize that nothing was real. It was a joke provoked by feelings, a stupid mistake thrown at us by fate. Lies, they were everywhere, they were there month after month, day after day and the worst part was… I knew the truth and didn’t want to end it.
- Why not?
- Because love is a silly thing. For me, it was the sweetness of the moment, the masochistic nature of the relationship, its never-ending torture.
- Were you happy?
- I was the happiest person in the World with him, every time I saw his face… His eyes… The deadliest color… Blue…
- You’re smiling.
- We all smile remembering something that makes us feel like we’re home again.
- Do you hate him?
- How can you hate a person you once loved?
- Some people erase the memory of the relationships that ended.
- Then they weren’t in love. Liars.
- Liars?
- LIARS.LIARS.LIARS. You can’t hate somebody, who once was everything to you. You can’t erase a person. He’s… he’s not a mistake you made.
- If he’s not a mistake then why aren’t you together?
- Because sometimes … Life just … Sometimes you just give up trying… Sometimes you choose to let go, just so the other person could be happy…
- And is he?
- I wish I knew…
