
- Why are you here?
- I guess my mind lives apart from my body.
- You tried to run.
- Don’t we all?
- What are you running from?
- The answer may lay right in front of you. It may be that everything that I have makes me feel used and unneeded, everything is nothing to me. Everyone is no one.
- What about your friends?
- There are people who are there, but they are very distant. Have you noticed how everyone cares ONLY about their own self? For example, while having a conversation, notice how one topic becomes another due to lack of understanding, or simply not wanting to understand. What really happens inside one’s mind is a mystery, sometimes  to the Author himself.
- So the Author never reveals his true identity?
- The Author? He doesn’t exist in their minds. He’s a vision, an illusion. The Author, writes his problems, his troubles, his mental state, his thoughts and dreams. And once this book is written, you can’t read it. It is sealed. Hidden. Lost. And the key to the door of the book lays beneath our heart.
- Our heart?
- Emotions. Feelings. Pain. Suffering. Agony. Hopelessness. Misery. Torture. Despair. Depression. Passion. Grief. TIME.
- Time?
- People may say that time is not a feeling, but it’s the worst of them all.
- And why is that?
- Because each second is painful. The World consists of people in pain, having moments of happiness. These moments make them believe that they are happy, free, alive.
- Do you believe in the term “Happiness”?
- I believe in black and white lines. After one comes the other. After pain comes relief. After relief comes desperation, and it goes on and on, until the last black line- Death.
- Do you think about death?
- Don’t we all?
