the last travel

burr, burrows, curls, currents, gorges... i drool you're ready, twitching so mincely and biscuitly. so if it's your amputation, if this is my amputation, we already can besmear ourselves with our dabbled implementation, we can start our journey !
sitting in the hybrid rave
perplexed by the scaly raven
babbling a fence to the treatment shining pole cave
inserting equiping the sockets into the lito-wave
you can upgrade and react the heaven
gashing clashing tombs-ribbons and without clapped packts
you can even lack and splatter you can even proove and scatter against theese cases don't matter you can confide my confronted impacts by all the symphonies so dim and deem beyond these misused tracts while the whip of deferral collects old basic plantations and disfunctional oblivious acts
for black library moth mortal sludge - micro-wavy perilous seances aerosoled for crave grave of bridges - bias security coiled
